Hey all, it’s been a wild month.

Let me fill you in on what has happened in the past few weeks.


  1. Thanks for the support, you may have changed my life.
  2. Broadcasts are available for pro memebers.
  3. Updates should come a lot faster now.

After an amazing PH launch that proved the viability of the project I decided to go all in on 00.

Having never sold software like this before I had a lot to learn. From how to license, and distribute the software, to whether I should switch to a merchant of record or not.

I was overwhelemed the first few weeks making sure I was actually able to do this in a legitimate way.

While this ate up some time, I think it was well worth it because now the project stands on a strong foundation. Some key decisions were made.

  1. We will use keygen to manage licenses and distribute pro.
  2. We will use the Once.com license.
  3. I did switch from Stripe to LemonSqueezy.

I will write a lot more about this process in the coming months, as I know other people are considering taking this route.

Enough meta stuff, let’s talk about 00 itself.

Product updates.

The broadcast API has been launched in Alpha. This is the first pro feature ready for testing. As such, everyone who purchased got an email with their key and instructions for downloading pro.

This adds Contacts for saving emails with contact info (currently just first and last name), Lists for grouping contacts into lists for sending, and a Broadcast endpoint for sending templated HTML or Markdown.

You can also import contacts from a CSV.

The broadcast API is very flexible allowing you to send recipients in a few ways. The most powerful of which is a simple array of objects, with an email and template variables. We will then find any contact with that email, and add their info to the variables as well. Check out the docs here!

This was useful for being able to send license keys to contacts without storing them in 00, and I am sure you will find it useful too.

Smaller updates around SST deployments have also been released.

Coming Soon

There has also been a lot of UI work. Changes allowing for bulk updates are very far along, as well as a broadcast UI. Those were originally planned to ship with broadcasts, but I want to improve them more and didn’t want to keep people waiting.

This project started with me scratching my own itch, and I was unsure if others would really care about a self-hosted email service. Turns out people do, thanks again, and now I will get back to work. 😁

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