00 | Email for the people.
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Own your Email

Easy email API, ditch the middle man, own your infrastructure.

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Easy to deploy

SST for single command deployment

You can download pull the code, set a handful of env variables

Run `sst deploy` and be done.

The age of installing software right into your personal cloud account has arrived.

npx sst deploy --stage production
  SST 3.4.32  ready!

    App:        double-zero
    Stage:      production

  ~  Deploy

What does this do?

SST lets a single config file set up some complex cloud pipelines without breaking the bank.

  • Set up SES/SNS/SQS.
  • Hosts container with ec2.
  • Sets up S3 to store emails & sqlite backups.
  • Setup DNS in Route 53.
  • Costs next to nothing.

import { DoubleZero } from '00-js';
const oo = new DoubleZero({
  baseUrl: "https://example.com/",
  token: ZERO_TOKEN,

return oo.emails.send({
  from: 'you@example.com',
  to: 'user@gmail.com',
  subject: 'Test email from Node.js!',
  html: '<h1>Hello world from 00!</h1>',

Simple API

Whether using the community JS client or the REST API sending and monitoring emails is easy.

  curl --request POST \
    --url http://localhost:4000/api/emails \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer B3xAVZo69837pea5qHju9jXR1Ygh5CygdgI_TNgn77f' \
    --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    --data '{
    "markdown": "<h1>Hey {{email}}</h1>",
    "text": "hey {{email}}",
    "subject": "Hark, who goes there?",
    "from": ""Levi 👻" <levi@example.com>",
    "to": "success@simulator.amazonses.com"
Built to be built ontop of. Your email layer ready for any kind of app.

Get Early Access!
$250 PRESALE $175

Pre-order Pro

Pro Roadmap

  • Available now
  • Coming Soon
  • Contacts

  • Broadcasts

  • WYSIWYG editor

  • SMTP endpoint

  • Teams

  • Feed

  • Automations

Feature Comparison

Feature Free Pro
Transactional emails
Multi-recipient tracking
WYSIWYG editor
SMTP endpoint
00 - Email software you can own | Product Hunt

Get Early Access!
$250 PRESALE $175

Pre-order Pro

Support open and affordable software.

You can download the source and modify the free and paid version of 00. This is free as in speech software and it is pretty cool.

We can build a better internet.

Want to get in contact?

If you are interested in a hosted solution, or a custom email integration for your business, or are interested in sponsoring the project I would like to get in contact. Feel free to reach out about anything else too. ~/liltechnomancer