00 is a bring your own SES email monitoring service you self-host.

Own your Email platform

Stop paying monthly fees to Silicon Valley weirdos

Pre-order Pro
Limited time $150
00 - Email software you can own | Product Hunt

AWS SES is the cheapest way to reliably send emails

But their monitoring tools are confusing and lacking features.

This has caused a industry of startups which simply wrap SES in a nice dashboard and up-charge you. You lose the benefits of controlling your SES account and pay extra for the privilege of a nice UI.

This simply isn’t software that should come with a monthly cost. Hooking your business to a VC funded Silicon Valley darling is costly and dangerous.

Don’t put you business at the mercy of an unprofitable third party.

Own your software, own your business.

Developers love it

Pre-order Pro

Still pretty Early Bird Discount

$250 $150 once

Pre-order Pro

Planned Pro Features.

  • Teams
  • Contacts & Broadcasts
  • Feed screen with charts and totals
  • Full API for managing emails from external systems
  • Improved logs
  • WYSIWYG Email designer
  • SMTP endpoint
  • Full text search
  • Much more!

Pro comes with a lifetime license. Pay once, use it forever.

Like the open source version Pro is meant to be hosted on your own infrastructure using your own AWS SES account for sending.

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